Honeymoon in the Corn Islands

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Hi all,

I posted some questions about little corn island on the intros and people said it was better to ask here so here I am. Hope you can answer some of questions.

I am going to be going to Nicaragua for my honeymoon next summer, July 2006. I wanted to know if anyone has dived their and how they found the conditions. I am considering diving and staying with http://www.divelittlecorn.com/ for a week or so. As well as diving a volcanic lake. This place looks really nice from their site and wanted to know if people found the diving too be alright.. not sure how the viz would be during July.. As well, they advertise a dive where you can see 4 or 5 diff types of shark.. just wanted to know if anyone went on that one bf.

I have also heard of a dive there that was 17km from the corn island and expensive but "amazing" and wanted to know if anyone went on this before.

In addition, big corn offers diving to different locations, has anyone dove with them? http://www.divebigcorn.com/about.html

Finally, I have read about a shop that offers diving in a volcanic lake (Laguna de Apoyo). http://www.abucear.com/index.php

Looking forward to hearing any info that people have,


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