A really good fresh water rinse removes the need for much more cleaning.
J&J baby shampoo seems to do a pretty good job of cleaning my wetsuit and BC at the end of a trip.
J&J baby shampoo in a 50/50 mix with rubbing alcohol makes a great cleaner/defog solution, although the alcohol vapors bother some people.
As others have noted, a touch or mouthwash such as Listerine helps to keep down the mold, fungus and slime growth in the BC bladder. First I cleanout the bladder with first fresh water, then water plus baby shampoo.
For really, really bad booty smell while in the middle of a trip, I'll go scoop up some highly chlorinated hotel spa water and dump it inside my booties. Diluted bleach should work also. I wear holes in booties long before the neoprene degrades, so I'm not concerned about destroying the neoprene by being a bit agressive with chemicals.
If you don't like the smell of sink-the-stink, MiraZyme, distributed by McNett Corporation is a good alternative.
If you forgot to rinse gear and salt crystals have formed, putting some vinegar in a warm water rinse will help dissolve the crystals.