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Reaction score
SF Bay Area, CA
# of dives
100 - 199
OK. Guess I've been hangin around long enough, its time to introduce myself!

I've been blessed to be able to live in some great diving areas. Guam about 10 years ago, and now Okinawa. Hopefully Hawaii from here. I'm rescue certified, DM candidate, and should have my Master Scuba after next weekend.

I have a lot of admiration for the some of cold water folks I've seen on this board. I'm a warm water tropical person myself!

Glad to have you join in the :fight: fray. It's enlightening :idea: and entertaining :rolling: most of the time.
I'm real new to the board myself, but so far, everyone has been great! I know you will enjoy yourself, so 'dive' in, and have a blast.
Welcome to the Board, from another warm water diver-from NJ!
Good luck,
Glad to have you aboard. I am sure that now you have joined the party you will enjoy the board even more.

As far that warm water goes. I think we still have a CAD (candy *** diver) unit around here somewhere. Of which I would be a proud member.

Hi Alikat

Welcome to the board....!

I am a warm water person too.

Isn't Okinawa slightly cold too....?
from north of the 'ole 49th -- The Great White North, that is....

You find the folks here real friendly -- those some of those guys down in Texas seem a wee bit strange (sorry guys/gals - but really diving in stock tanks????):D

see you around the board.

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