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Michigan? No wonder you're Chilly!

Welcome to a great place to be :D
Welcome. It is a pretty cool board. Just found it myself a couple of weeks ago.
Welcome to the board -- you'll enjoy yourself here, learning interesting things, and meeting new folks.
Welcome from another SE Mich. person. We do Gilboa and/or local lakes in the winter. If you got a drysuit, sing out and you're welcome along. (or wetsuit if you're really tough/crazy)
Welcome to the boards from the Land that Nearly Joined Atlantis ;-0

Are you any where near Dearborn? That's where my son-in-law is from!

"May your bubbles go forever upwards."
Glad you found us! This is a great place to meet other divers and learn A LOT about all aspects of diving! Can't wait to hear what you have to say!
Ber :bunny:
Welcome to the Board, from NJ!
Looking forward to your input,

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