Hi from the new guy

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Just a quick howdy to all you diving gurus on this forum from the newbie. Been diving off and on since 1980 (mostly off) but really started to get back into the last couple years. Found this forum a couple weeks ago and have been lurking in the shadows. Figured it is time to be more interactive.

Don't know who is responsible for starting this forum or keeping it going, but kudos to you, it is fantastic!

Regards for now,

and here's a warm welcome from Canada. You'll have a grand time.
Hi CapCodDiver:

Welcome to the board from a fellow New Englander. Glad you found us and hope you have fun here. Hey I’m being sent on assignment to your area next month, I think it’s Yarmouth. I will be there on business March 4th through 8th.

…………….Arduous ……………….
Hello and welcome from Chicago!

Dig in and have fun!
Hey CCD....nice to see you on this side of the pond! It's a cool place to hang :D

Dee aka Davida
Hi there and welcome! I'm a newbie to this board also and everyone so far has been great. I've seen you over at Dive New England. I have a house in Marston's Mills and a boat. Maybe we could get together for some Cape Cod dives.:D

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