Hi from Ontario!

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Max bottom time,
Welcome from NJ!
this is the place to stay-when you're not diving.
Good luck,
Welcome to the board Max_BT. It is a great place to be if you can't be diving!

I hope you stick around and enjoy it. Where are you from in Ontario (Cute way of saying do you want to go diving?)
Hi and welcome from the other side of the lake (Rochester NY).

We seem to be getting more and more divers from Ontario.
I'm surprised we don't have an Ontario Branch of Neptune Divers International yet !!

This is a great place to be when your not in the water.
Look ma, we got another one... I say Ontario Divers unite! Welcome aboard Max bottomTime you'll enjoy every moment here.

The folks are friendly, and you'll be able to learn a lot from some of them too. Though you might watch out for those stock tank divers, they're a pretty wild bunch (just kidding Texans)
Originally posted by DivingGal
.... I say Ontario Divers unit! ....

OK ... what about my Unit


OK people; this was funnier before DG added an 'e' to 'unit' in her post. soemtimes editing is just no fun
Glad to have you aboard. I look forward to reading your post.

Hello Max

Greetings from NJ

Careful, if you stay around too long you'll get hooked on here. But that's a good thing I'm finding out.


A big Texas Welcome aboard from one newbie to another. These guys are great and helpful. I've learned alot just reading earlier posts.

Sure are a bunch of Canadians joining lately. Is there some kind of a revolt?

BTW, Texans are wild and proud!


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