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Reaction score
Richmond VA
# of dives
200 - 499
Hi fellow divers!

I have been diving on and off since I was 12 (which was a long time ago). But I have not been diving very often. I went spearfishing and SCUBA diving with my Dad in the Bahamas a couple of times at age 12-13. Won't tell you the year, but it was before they had such a thing as certification and when second stages had two corrugated hoses that went around both sides of one's head. No such thing as dive computers -- in fact I don't think there were any computers, period.

Anyway -- dove with our family on a shallow wreck non-certified type dive while on a cruise in Bermuda in '92. We all had fun, so our whole family got certified over the next two years -- my husband, myself and two children. Been so busy that we have not gone diving more often than 1-2 dives every 3-4 years.

Went to Cozumel for a couple of days recently ahead of a meeting I needed to go to in Cancun. Loved it!!! It brought my total number of dives to a grand total of 12! Now I plan to return to Cozumel with a group for a week and take the Advanced Open Water course.

Glad to meet you people


and hope to get some advice from you more experienced types.
Welcome to our online :home:

Glad to have you enjoying diving again. :hi:
Welcome DivingDoc!

Have a wonderful time in Coz!

Welcome to the gang. You'll have a grand time meeting folks, learning stuff and having fun.

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