Dittos on the congrats for your new cert. I remember when I took my Open Water class, a whole new world awaits you.
I agree with what the others have said as far as there being no dumb questions, but one word of caution. There are a few people on the board that for some odd reason think that they, and they alone, are the sole source of knowledge in the SCUBA universe. If you ask a question about something that is second nature to them they will bash you for it. They will give you some smart ass answer to make themselves feel superior. Ignore them. I'm embarrassed to say that they are usually the more advanced divers on the board, Tec Divers, Dive Masters and Instructors. Instead of bashing someone for asking a naive question they are the ones that should be answering these questions to help the people that are not as advanced as they are. They are the ones that have forgotten that they were once newbees just like you.
Don't get me wrong, there are A LOT of good people on this board and if you're lucky, you'll get to dive with some of them someday.
Oh, as far as spelling goes, there's an edit button at the bottom of every post so you can go back and correct your spelling if you feel the need to. I use it a lot.
Congrats again,