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I'm a PADI AOW, here in Trinidad and Tobago. If you get the chance read my post on Tobago. We have world class drift diving and Manta Ray diving down here.

I like to read a lot of equipment reviews and everything to do with diving.My favorite overall dive site is scubadiving.com its got a great gear test/review section which has become the industry standrad as the equipment manufacturers are using its comments in their advertising. Also has a section on analyusis of dive accidents which is a great learning forum. But the best boards are on this site!!!
I just bought a Scubapro MK 16 and 190 reg. I've used Mares (great regs) and Sherwood Maximus, found it difficult to breath at 120 feet.

If you are coming down to Tobago email me maybe if i am free we can do a dive.

I'm hoping to do a wreck course soon and dive in colder water.
Hi Egg,

I have been within the industry for "a while" now, probably longer than many of you are years old, and if you look around at some of the older, more seasoned and respected information portals, product testers (or even ask some former Rodales product testers) and experienced technicians, you will soon realize that Rodales is not an "Industry Standard" - BUT - Look on the good side, if you continue trying to make people believe that they might just put you on the payroll!
To be blunt, you will find they are quite the opposite. What they really are is simply a corporate entity with a vested financial interest in keeping their paying advertisers happy. If you look at other well-trusted resources such as Undercurrent, or some of the long-standing and respected communities like those at DiverLink.com, those around here, or other professionals "in the know", you will soon discover that when it comes to "product reviews", what Rodales is best known for is saying what their advertisers are paying them for.

Try to make the same above post over on Diverlink's board and you better have your dive gear on because with the number of people you're going to have laughing so hard they will be wetting their pants, things could get alittle messy.
I tell you this as not only a rather ancient diver but as, how shall we say, "Someone with intimate knowledge of more than one of the manufacturers". (please understand my position is off limits for discussion)

You may not have been around too many divers, as I believe you said you were rather new to diving, but give it some time and you will understand. Think about it like this - If you gave true hard unbaised reviews about ALL products and you were nothing more than a publisher, how long would you stay in business? Unfortunately, knowing they are in a position like that, understand you will not always get the "Rest of the Story".

I have nothing against any of the magazines or entities out there but just wanted to lay the cards out on the table.


Look at the back of the August 2001 issue of Sport Diver magazine and the use of the Scuba lab tests (Rodale/www.scubadiving.com) by Scubapro.
This magazine is the official PADI society magazine. From what I've heard PADI is ranked #1 in marketing in the rec diving field.I'm not saying its the best, I've heard BSAC is the best (By a Naui instructor no less).
Both Scubapro and PADi are world class and recognised organisations.
Also if the tests were not accurate, I've seen negative reports on some regs too on the site, the manufacturers would sue.

I've also meshed these reports with the main British sites and the results are similar. Scubapro MK20, Apeks t100 and Oceanic Alpha/Delta lead the pack in simulator tests at 199 feet etc.I hope you do n't note that 2 out of these three regs are British. Wheres your research?
egg007, don't be fooled by empty propaganda. During the last few DEMA's industry insiders/professionals (some whom write and evaluate the gear FOR the site you mention) says otherwise about the overall lack of impartiality of the sites in question.

It comes down to simple marketing. If company 'A' submits gear for evaluation, AND at the same time PAYS for advertising space in the magazine... it's gotta make you think that they will get a better review than company 'B' whom doesn't. As long as their product sells, they continue to advertise. In other words they keep paying your bills. Can you or anyone else honestly say that there isn't a conflict of interest here?

While working as a Dive Shop Manager and Professional (instructor) I routinely got my hand slapped for talking well about product(s) we didn't carry. Did I have a vested interest in selling ONLY what we carried, ie benefited my employer? Sure! Did I always? NO! To do that would be steering my students and friends in the wrong direction. That I'm not willing to do. I'm not so sure the site you mention operates under the same principles.

I can tell you this. As a person whom has been in this industry for some time, I can tell you that some sources have [red]ZERO[/red] respect. That's one thing I would never associate myself with. That's what I would recommend to others. Do some research. I'm certain your opinions will change! Talk to Dive Store Owners/operators, Gear Distributors, Manufacturers, Diving Legends, Industry Giants, Course Directors, Instructors, Certified Gear Testers, Military Divers, Resort Operators (ehem ppl that hang out here!)... in general [red]'people whom have credentials'[/red] to find out what's really up. Don't get caught up in any hype. Get the truth. It's out there!

To be continued....

Originally posted by egg007
My favorite overall dive site is scubadiving.com

I am sure this was a mis-type Egg007 - cause I am sure you wouldnt want to offend any of the people on this board by saying something else is better than scubaboard.com

And also, i am sure you wouldnt want any of us to think that your trying to advertise that "favourite" webpage - would you?

I mean, i am sure this is just one big misunderstanding. I am sure you wouldnt want to upset King Neptune, Ladydiver, Mario and all the other people who work so hard to make this EVERYONES favourite dive site!

Now that is all cleared up....hope we can share dive stories sometime....minus any advertising.

All the best and you take care now!
Abby -x-
No advertising, did you read that i mentioned that the best boards are on this site!!!
Check around on the boards there are a lot of other people mentioning the other site I mentioned, someone even copied a whole trip report from the other board thats over 2 pages long (See Tobago board)
Just to let you know, the gentleman that posted that trip report is the person who wrote it. He allowed the magazine to print it and as the author retains the right to post it here if that is his choice.

We are very grateful that DocVikingo is willing to share his expertise with us and provides such sound information.

Thanks DocV!
I too am glad that he was kind enough to put it on the Tobago board.
And I'm glad he found it beneficial to have it posted on the other site originally.
I was not questioning his right to post it, I was refering to the other board being referred to or referenced to, or quoted by many other divers.

I'm really happy with this site as evidenced by my many postings.

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