Hi all from North carolina

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Reaction score
carthage NC
# of dives
1000 - 2499
just little old me saying high all from north carolina well ibee out of diving for several years recnetly request a copy of my C card only to find out thats there is no NASDS anymore its now SSi andfter search for what seemed like weeks they wear able to find my name not all of my stuff but some at least to get me a open water card, I took a refresher class and made several pool dives and boat dive with instructor ,
now for my real promblems maybe some of you can tell me i lost everything to house fire several years ago
anyway I had taken a advance open wter course and rescue diver , but anyway SSI says due to my certification was many years ago like late 70's they records dont go back that far when asked how they wear able to issuei me a C card they said found my name on roster or something like that o now what do i do really dont want to take the course over again is ther some kind of check dives or something that can be done thanks joe
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Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New England USA
Have fun here & Dive Safe..............Arduous

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