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More greetings from sunny England!

I can't believe I've only just discovered this site.

You all seem like a very nice bunch so I look forward to talking to you soon.

Welcome to the board RunTime!

Its good to know that us newbies have a lot of experienced members on the forum we can snag some knowledge from.

Dive safe!
Erich :eek:ut:
hey glad to meet 'ya!! i have been to England quite a few times, on my way to cyprus. would like to go back soon, being a newbie at scuba,i would think that a wreck dive over -up your way would be pretty interestin'. wouldn't happen to have any pics of a wreck dive would ya?

safe bubbles!:bounce:
Hi ya Runtime:

Welcome to the board. It's nice to chat with our friends across the pond... Hope to chat with you down the road.

Safe diving to you:
welcome to the board RunTime:)
Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New England USA
Have fun here and Dive Safe……………………Arduous
Have fun diving and enjoy the boards.

Rich :mean:

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