Herradura - Costa Rica in Mid November.

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My father is heading to Playa Herradura, Costa Rica next week and he wanted to do some diving. I contacted Herradura divers but they told me they are closed because its the rainy season and the ocean conditions are bad. They also said that this is true of all the dive operators. Is this the case? I emailed Oceans Unlimited in Quepos with these questions and am waiting to hear from them but wanted to throw it up here. Is it even feasible to dive out of Quepos if you are staying in Herradura? Are there other operators in that area or is that a moot question because the conditions are that bad? How often does it rain on average at this time?

Thanks in advance for any and all help. He is going to be really disappointed if he finds out he cant even get one dive in :(.
Thank you,
I'm not sure if all operators are closed, but we have seen a huge influx of divers into western Panama (caribbean side) because conditions to the north (esspecially in CR & Nicaraugua) are so bad. One divemaster who dived with us this past week said her shop in Nicaraugua is closed indefinitly because the extensive rainfall flooded their shop and ruined their compressor.
Oceans Unlimited in Manuel Antonio isn't closed and are running a few trips but it all depends on the water conditions. If the water conditions are bad then we won't run trips out because obviously we want the you guys to hasvave the best experience possible.

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