Here's an article on the recoveries prior to our last one.

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The driver was drunk??

There's a shocker....
When are people gonna learn?
Somehow, I'd expect a little more from a former LEO. That article really burned me up.
If the glove don't fit, you must acquit.

The article kind of ticked me off.... " I was a cop and I can tell you after all the facts are in how it should have been done" What a load of crap! Hind sight is always 20/20. And then all the coments, escpecially the one from the daugter about how her boyfriend is a fimeman and he risks his life shouldnt the first guy on scene have jumped into the freezing water and died just so we could say that they did all the could?

What flippin joke some people just dont get it........
Oxycontin raises a LOT of ??? in my mind. OC and alcohol? They are lucky they did not kill anyone else.

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