Hep identifying Hawaiian reef fish

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We are gearing up to head to Maui again for the second time this year, and finally got around to editing some of the footage from our last trip. I found this blue fish that I can't identify..I'm sure it's simple however I can't find anything that matches it quite right. Any help is appreciated.

Thank you

Thanks for help...I think you may be right about it being the blue porcupine. Most of the pictures available are from aquariums and the color doesn't even come close to as vibrant as this one.

This one was spotted at Kamaole III while snorkeling. That was a pretty great day, I believe there were 6-8 turtles in the area as well.
I think it looks like a diodon eydouxii. Their common name is the blue pelagic porcupine fish, on of the four species found in Hawaii and the only blue colored one. Cool video

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