Help on night diving pictures

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Jacksonville Florida
ok went on my first night dive last monday, got a lot of really blurry shots. The shot's that came out had a round bright spot that was caused by my flashlight that was attached to the camera. Yet the lighting on the pictures looked good (not too dark) I have a digital camera (oly c-4000) On the screen all I could see was the spot where my light was shining. Do I need to get a bigger light or is this just what you face during night dives?
Also any tips on keeping all you clutter close, I felt like I was juggling everything

so here's the best shot, at the worst angle possible taken on my night dive
The blurry shots could be caused by the camera not having time to focus in the dimmer light.

One way to fix that hot spot is easy to do yourself....Take a small 4"x5" piece if heavy duty aluminum foil and wad it up into a ball. Now open that ball out and spread it out, leaving it wrinkled. Now line the reflective cap/shade/cup..whatever you call that thing behind the light bulb! It won't be pretty but the wrinkles will scatter the light so it won't form the hot spot.

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