I'm a fairly experienced photographer above sea level, and have in the recent year started to understand that bringing a camera underwater is pretty spectacular
Anyway, I pretty much only dive on vacations, so investing in a proper housing for my DSLR was never really something I considered. I instead have an Olumpus TG-820 with the corresponding olympus uw-housing. The TG-820 does not have a manual mode,but I must say I'm quite impressed with how it performs in its various underwater modes.
Above the surface I'm a big fan of making-do with whatever natural light there is, and not very into flash photography at all Underwater things are obviously a bit different, and I'm starting to look for a strobe and some sort of arm-setup to add to my existing camera setup...
What sort of strobe (I'm looking at getting a single-strobe setup to start out with) would you recommend for me? I have been looking at the S&S DS-01/02, but I'm having a hard time figuring out if the more expensive one is worth it with my camera?
I'm a fairly experienced photographer above sea level, and have in the recent year started to understand that bringing a camera underwater is pretty spectacular
Anyway, I pretty much only dive on vacations, so investing in a proper housing for my DSLR was never really something I considered. I instead have an Olumpus TG-820 with the corresponding olympus uw-housing. The TG-820 does not have a manual mode,but I must say I'm quite impressed with how it performs in its various underwater modes.
Above the surface I'm a big fan of making-do with whatever natural light there is, and not very into flash photography at all Underwater things are obviously a bit different, and I'm starting to look for a strobe and some sort of arm-setup to add to my existing camera setup...
What sort of strobe (I'm looking at getting a single-strobe setup to start out with) would you recommend for me? I have been looking at the S&S DS-01/02, but I'm having a hard time figuring out if the more expensive one is worth it with my camera?