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# of dives
100 - 199
Hello everyone.. was certified on PADI in Advanced Open Water decades ago, planning to go for a dive in 3 months.. registered here to catch up on whats good overthere.

It will also be my first dive there. Back when i am still actively diving, used to do 4 dive trips a year, usually 4d3n with 1 shore dive, 6 boat dive and 1 night shore dive per trip to the islands..

Usually dive at Perhentian Island, Tioman Island in Malaysia. Been to Sipadan once and Pom Pom island once, both in Malaysia. Dived in Brunei twice as well.

Got promoted and work got pretty heavy. Then when i was planning another dive expedition, my wife got pregnant. (My wife is my usual dive buddy). 3 years later family going for a vacation at Koh Lipe, i know i wont be able to hold it back and will probably sneak out for some fun dives there.

So thought the best way is to register for a dive forum and update myself. Also since my dive comp is long dead, i got myself the Huawei Watch Ultimate, which i will probably be using for this dive trip.

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