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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Laurel, MD
Hello! Although I’ve snorkeled for 30 years I finally have the money to venture into the world of SCUBA. The kids are on their own, the house is almost paid for, and now it’s time to have some fun. Sunday is my first PADI Open Water Class, I’m looking forward to it. We have a time-share in Aruba, first week in April, and I’m really looking forward to that! I’m hoping to finish my Open Water Certification, open water dives, in Aruba.

In addition to my plan for diving in Aruba, I grew up on the shores of Lake Superior and hope to do some wreck diving this summer, only after the appropriate dry-suit training of course.

I want to thank all the veterans on the board for their advice. This is my first post, as Grandma use to say “better to keep quit and let people think your dumb, than open your mouth and remove all doubt” (I’m sure she stole the quote, sounds like Mark Twain). So far this board has been a great place get advice from a variety of sources.
Your Grandma must have known mine! But if there's ever an exception to that rule it's here at ScubaBoard. There are no dumb questions so feel free to ask whatever you please.

Oh yea....Welcome to the pond :D
Glad to have you aboard. I look forward to your questions and experiences. Keep us posted on your training.

Welcome to the board, I am fairly new myself but I can tell you that all the people on the board are great and usually brutely honest so you don't have to worry about being mislead.. By the way, the best way to break in that time share is to envite everyone on the board out for a week or so...I'll bring the BBQ:mean:
and a WARM Welcome from sunny ARIZONA

glad to have you here :balloon:
Welcome to the Board, from NJ.
This is the place to be with questions,comments,stories about scuba. "jump in and enjoy,and good luck with your training.

ps: We seem to share a similar mindset in picking our "screen name". :D
Hi Mike,
Welcome to the boards.
The man that made no mistakes made nothing, of those that make mistakes, only those who were fool enough to keep trying succeeded. So here's my salute to fools, for they alone have made the world a better place.
Welcome to the board, and to your new "extended family" You have a grand time here learning, and meeting new people.

You'll love diving down south, but remember you'll be making a few adjustments with your equipment if you're going to dive Lake Superior (or any of the Great Lakes) -- they're a wee bit colder, and fresh water to boot.

Good luck with the course, and the certification. Let us know how you do.

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