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diver tom

Reaction score
Caseville Michigan
Hi, I just found this site and seems like good stuff. My name is Tom and I have been diving for 3 years now. I have done approx. 60 dives now-with many of them this summer being on Great Lakes shipwrecks and I am always intrested in learning more.
Welcome to the pond!
You have found a great place to learn, help others and just have fun.

Later, Hawk.
Hi DiverTom

Greatings from the cold waters of New england.
Have fun posting & Dive Safe ...........

Diver tom,
Welcome from NJ!
You have it correct. This board is the place to get-=and to share thoughts, opinions, and experiences about diving. there are many people here with loads of experience, who are more than willing to help.
Enjoy the Board, and good luck.

:hmmm: Or should that be off-board? Perhaps a simple welcome to the board would do.
and a Warm welcome from ARIZONA the all beach no ocean state, however we do have a old ship wreck near yuma :)
Welcome to the board.

You have found a great place for information.

Mike M

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