Hello from Texas!!

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Wichita Falls, Tx
Hello, have been watching the board for a while and decided to sign up. Are there any other north central Texas divers out there??
From another true Texan. I'm in the Houston area but there are many from the north end of Texas as well.
Glad you joined the fun.

Another Welcome from the Houston area. There's quite a few north central Texas divers around. Just wait...they'll be popping up soon. You have to watch out for the TexasMike dude. I tell ya...he's twisted! :wink:
Only sixty miles down the road in Decatur - there's several here from the DFW area also.

Where do you dive most often? Haven't made it up towards Wichita Falls to see what's divable! Been to Murray quite a bit!
Hi Truetexan:

Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New England.
Have fun, Dive Safe ........................Arduous
Welcome from another Texan. I'm way over towards Louisiana. There are lots of us on the board. I think we're gonna take over one day!
Welcome to the boards, from NJ!
As you have already seen, the "great state' is well represented here.
Good Luck,

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