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I just found your forum and I think it's GREAT!

I'm originally from Rhode Island, got displaced to middle Georgia, there's not many people to talk SCUBA with here.

I started diving in the early 70's, during high school, doing odd commercial jobs for beer money, living on Dad's boat.

I started working, and didn't have the time or energy to dive.

Now I'm retired, and can work when I want, play almost all the time, and found diving again. My wife, who is much younger, has also been bitten by the SCUBA bug, and is just starting out.

I absolutely love the teck (tech) diving gizmos and attitude..

Hey, remember when wetsuits did not have nylon on either side... I still have a can of USD suit powder somewhere...

I did a lot of surface supplied full face mask work, cleaning boat bottoms, water intakes, some light salvage, not the glamor stuff the diving schools advertize... I thought it was really clear when I could see my fins, most times it was 3 feet ot less.

I'm really old school, grew up with Sea Hunt, my first reg was a double hose hand me down.

I've got all new stuff now, and diving is real fun!!

Thank you for letting me join,
I'll behave and keep quiet, unless I have something historical (hysterical) to add.

Dive safe,
Glad to have you aboard. Don't keep quiet. Speak up and tell us about your experiences, it sounds like they would be very interesting.

Welcome to the board. Please don't stay quiet for long. sounds like you have many great stories to tell.

and a WARM Welcome from Sunny ARIZONA, the all beach no ocean state

Glad to have you aboard :balloon:
Welcome to the Board, from NJ!
As a fellow "certified in the '70s" diver, i can remember the talc, but I was lucky to get a"state of the art"(in 1974) nylon lined "sharkskin2" quarter inch (pre metric) suit, and only had the "fun" of using talc once or twice.
How about horsecollars and j-valves??
Good luck,
Thank you all for the nice welcome!

You guys are great!

MikeD- I would have been so envious of your Sharkskin suit, with the fishscale pattern on the outside....So cool!

How about those shark fighting 12" knives, I had a USD huge knife, that I never used, except as an ankle weight, but I LOOKED good wearing it :mean:

Does it bother you that all the stuff we used is labeled "Vintage" on ebay? I feel like Abe Simpson, those young wipper snappers!

I'm gonna like it here!


Originally posted by Savitar
Hey, remember when wetsuits did not have nylon on either side... I still have a can of USD suit powder somewhere...
Remember?... I still have one!
It's for sale if you want it.
Hi Savitar

Welcome to the board.

Please share some of your historical & hysterical events with us.......

and a warm welcome to your "new extended family". You'll enjoy it here, learning stuff, and meeting folks. Make sure your 'bride' joins in too.

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