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Canadian in Upstate NY
Well, after mocking my husband for awhile about his addiction to the scuba cult I have become a victim myself:anon: I snuck on the site when he was at work one day and I find myself equally addicted....I feel silly now :stupid: about having razzed him for so long, we are both divers, but now I need to think of a graceful way to admit he was right....this one time....:flusher:

and what does rotfl stand for?
It's nice to have you on board (no pun intended - well sortof). I'm sure the razzing was in good fun. Only apologize if you called him nasty names or some such.
There may have been a few names tossed about, but once he sees my posts he will know it is me....and then I will have to endure some razzing of my own....:help:...and fight or time on "board"... :type:
Welcome to the board, fun and safe diving to you!!
- A J
Way to go Firefly. Welcome from Wisconsin. What's your husband's username?
from OKlahoma!!!!
Have fun and dive safe!!:wink: :eek:ut:
Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New England USA.
Have fun here and Dive Safe..............Arduous

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