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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Southern California
# of dives
I'll introduce myself so all will know.
I am a graduate of the Los Angeles County of 25UICC.
I am an instructor of SCUBA diving.
Los Angeles County Underwater Instructor Association
NAUI, PADI, YMCA. I certifiy in all agencies since 1976.
If you have questions feel free to email me.
My main goal in diving is teaching safe diving.
I teach all levels from snorkelers to dive instructors.

I like these various messages board because of the information that can be gained by all on the sport. All can learn allot from this one. This one likes to keep it clean for all, which is good.

If some of you come out west and want to meet up, let me know.
I dive almost every weekend.

Tom Wetzel
Hi Tom,

Welcome to the boards. I am also new but have found all of the people here to be very welcoming and friendly. I hope you do too.

welcome to the board, nice to have more knowledge with us:)
Welcome to the Boards. We'll look forward to your contributions.
Glad u found us! It's like group therapy for divers. Don't forget to brag about your dogs in the Pets thread of Non-Diving Related Stuff! -Sue
Hi tom greetings and welcome. Its great to have you here look forword in your input.:jester: jfo56

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