After a ten year absence, I have decided to get back into diving. In the space of about two years, from 1991-1992, I made over a hundered dives, most of them beach. I love to hunt for scallops and bugs, and rarely came home empty handed. I stopped diving for one main reason, back in 1993, Laguna started giving out tickets for solo diving. Well, I am self employed, so I can dive when ever I wanted, and I did. But many of my dive buddys could not. So I did a lot of solo diving, until my favorite spots would get me a large fine if I was caught diving alone. So, I could not find a buddy who had no problem doing long surface swims and could stay under for over an hour at 60 ft. So, I am going to go get my tanks hydroed, my regs overhauled and buy a new computer. Will look to this board for inspiration and maybe someone to dive with in Laguna to keep me legal!