Has the USER GROUP issue been resolved yet?

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Marine Scientist and Master Instructor (retired)
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2500 - 4999
It would be nice to get my "memberships" and display-info sorted out. Are we ready to do this yet?
Still working on it.
Yeah, we appreciate your patience in this... no, I'm not being catty. It's embarrassing for this to take us so long. It's just not working like we think it should. Quite frustrating to say the least.
Hello NetDoc,

understand you are working on it and it is an issue but not such a big one so this should be taken as feedback ...
So a couple of days ago I see that I became again solo diver ... rather than I do not know what specie of grouper.
I went into user groups and asked to join again T2T and Reb Pilot, so the link next to the user group switched from Join group to: request pending/cancel request.
Today I went into the user group panel and it is again join group.

Finally, I can post in T2T (while I am not a member) and I cannot find the Reb Pilot group anymore :) Must be Oxy induced myopia

You were a member of T2T when I just looked now. So that explains why you can post there now.

Today I went into the user group panel and it is again join group.
Rebreather Pilot? Try it again.
If it still doesn't work, contact the responsible party listed under the group name - in this case Howarde. Maybe there is some requirement to join - I do not know what that is for that group since it's pretty specialized.

I currently do Not show you as a member of RB Pilots.

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