Has any one used Bill Beard in Costa Rica?

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I'm going to Costa Rica at the end of the month.My wife is planning it all because we are staying with family. they gave me the name Bill Beard because we are staying at that hotel. has any one used them before(yes i did do a search). Also how's the diving there the hotel is located in NE of Costa Rica I forgot the name. MY other option is going by boat to Bat or catilna island but I rather not. Any advise or comments would be apprecited thanks.
I've never been to Costa Rica but I've been getting their @!$&* emails, and they won't stop :p
I have been to Costa Rica many times..but, never dove with Bill Beard..i've heard though they are pretty good. You will be going to Guanacaste that's where they are located. I've dove with Ocotal and with Deep Blue and i like both of them. And yes, to get to Bat Island & Catalina you need to go by boat, and they are 2 really good dive sites. if you have any other questions, you can email me if you like.
thanks for all your replys. I can't wait to get there.I'll post my dive trip report.
Blue Dolphin Scuba in Plano Texas is going to Costa Rica and staying with Bill Beards. The owner went first and had a great time.

Have a good trip.

Bill Beards is good, but quite expensive. Try Rich Coast Diving or Ocotal Resort. They are both close, SAFE, and reasonable. Either way, you'll love the diving!
If someone is on our newsletter that doesn't wish to be, just go to billbeardcostarica.com and unsubscribe. This is our 39th year with diving and adventure in Costa Rica and if we are expensive it's because our moderate or luxury package was chosen over our value package. I personally put in the dive operation at Ocotal and operated it for ten years. We have packages with Ocotal that include accommodations, diving and adventure tours as well as seven other hotels from three stars to five stars.
Thank you & good diving
Bill Beard
Costa Rica Scuba Diving - Adventure Travel Diving Trips Costa Rica Tours
We just joined Bill Beard at the Villa Sol resort in Playa Hermosa, So if you book that package you are diving with Rich Coast Diving. We will have a little shop on the resort so we will be able to answer all your questions. We also offer Catalinas and the Bat islands trips once we have enough divers to go (we need 3 for a trip) Local dive sites are vistied everyday.
Hope to see you on one of our boats next month!
There is more to the story. Bill Beard's will be sending all of their divers with Rich Coast Diving. We have great scuba diving & adventure packages with four hotels on Playa Hermosa that range from three star to five star. Our alliance includes two new boats, customized for diving and all new equipment including regulators with computers. We are happy to be associated with Martin & Brenda van Gestel. They are both professional PADI instructors with outstanding people skills and Martin is a PADI course director. Our U.S. reservation and information office is located in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and we are still located at Villas Sol, Hotel and Beach Resort at Playa Hermosa. Toll Free 877 853-0538
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