Happy Birthday to our members on May 8, 2004

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Ted S

SB Co-Founder
ScubaBoard Supporter
Reaction score
SF / Bay Area

Here are today's birthdays -- congratulations to you all and behalf on ScubaBoard and all of the Mods, have a great day!

gmaybee, born 05-08-1961
gregory, born 05-08-1961
sscorgi, born 05-08-1963
TCooperWFI, born 05-08-1964
waterbaby65, born 05-08-1965
Sodgaard, born 05-08-1966
Dan Barrows, born 05-08-1967
jamila, born 05-08-1968
jeesea, born 05-08-1970
Micke, born 05-08-1971
Marcos, born 05-08-1972
amz11, born 05-08-1973
crankin, born 05-08-1975
scott_satx, born 05-08-1979
Lobke, born 05-08-1979
neko, born 05-08-1980
reiny13, born 05-08-1981
fish are funny, born 05-08-1985
willmon, born 05-08-1988
skatingsailor, born 05-08-1990

:partytime :bday: :partytime

- The SB Team
Tech Admin:
Here are today's birthdays -- congratulations to you all and behalf on ScubaBoard and all of the Mods, have a great day!

TCooperWFI, born 05-08-1964

:partytime :bday: :partytime

- The SB Team

Thanks a bunch, hit the big 40! This will be my busiest dive year ever. :59:

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