Happy Birthday to our members on March 23, 2004

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Ted S

SB Co-Founder
ScubaBoard Supporter
Reaction score
SF / Bay Area

Here are today's birthdays -- congratulations to you all and behalf on ScubaBoard and all of the Mods, have a great day!

Uncle Pug, born 03-23-0000
scubaslade, born 03-23-0000
Diver56, born 03-23-1946
scubamom, born 03-23-1949
ray_dion, born 03-23-1955
MarkFred, born 03-23-1955
DaveD, born 03-23-1960
pointdiver, born 03-23-1961
boggie708, born 03-23-1964
Faust, born 03-23-1968
Clyde Frog, born 03-23-1970
BFC, born 03-23-1970
hijumpr, born 03-23-1971
bradymsu, born 03-23-1973
Mug Shoemaker, born 03-23-1973
ArkansasCandy, born 03-23-1974
wild scuba, born 03-23-1974
darylm74, born 03-23-1974
F355GTB, born 03-23-1976
sachar, born 03-23-1978
DiveMistress2, born 03-23-1978
ScubaDan003, born 03-23-1988

:partytime :bday: :partytime

- The SB Team
okay, I'm curious. How many of you all are first borns to parents that had a late June wedding?????? :D
... and thus the millenium started at 12:00 a.m., January 1, 2001

and happy birthday x 2, Pug

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