Happy Birthday to our members on March 22, 2004

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Ted S

SB Co-Founder
ScubaBoard Supporter
Reaction score
SF / Bay Area

Here are today's birthdays -- congratulations to you all and behalf on ScubaBoard and all of the Mods, have a great day!

glidingray, born 03-22-0000
SeaHunt, born 03-22-0000
Barriecuda, born 03-22-0000
Gruffun, born 03-22-0000
snwelf, born 03-22-0000
Octopi, born 03-22-1955
dwybo, born 03-22-1957
guss, born 03-22-1960
mikeshift4, born 03-22-1960
andrel, born 03-22-1962
Jersey, born 03-22-1963
ssmith87, born 03-22-1963
Vicingi Maris 2, born 03-22-1963
DIVEMASTERROB, born 03-22-1964
samatnyc, born 03-22-1967
Christi, born 03-22-1968
OkiDiver, born 03-22-1971
scubageek, born 03-22-1971
Scrappy Doo, born 03-22-1971
Chris Jacobson, born 03-22-1971
dazle, born 03-22-1975
Big-t-2538, born 03-22-1977

:partytime :bday: :partytime

- The SB Team
Wow, that is a lot of people sharing the same birthday. My wife's is today also.

I was just wondering if your computers can figure out which is the most popular date for a birthday (not that you get to choose it) on the Board?
wow i didn't realize we had that many members who are four-year-olds (or 104 years old... hard to say which...). which goes to prove it's never too early (or too late) to read this

happy b-day, everybody
Happy B-day Big T...
The big 3-0 is just around the corner. (j/k)
Yeah t, happy B-day. Man, you are just a baby dude!
An old fart
An old fart
Blah blah blah.....old, young, whatever, we all still have a few things in common..

1 - Beer good
2 - Diving good
3 - (For most men...and even some women) Whoever has the most tools wins.

Thanks to all for the wishes, and Cheers to all...


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