Happy Birthday to our members on June 15, 2004

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Ted S

SB Co-Founder
ScubaBoard Supporter
Reaction score
SF / Bay Area

Here are today's birthdays -- congratulations to you all and behalf on ScubaBoard and all of the Mods, have a great day!

John Gulliver, born 06-15-1938
Jim Adams, born 06-15-1943
Al Mialkovsky, born 06-15-1946
xtarheel, born 06-15-1951
dianelau, born 06-15-1953
Greg Barlow, born 06-15-1959
Jibby, born 06-15-1961
Nekochan, born 06-15-1963
Piggy, born 06-15-1965
halo, born 06-15-1965
divingvenice, born 06-15-1970
Jena, born 06-15-1971
ToddK, born 06-15-1974
wendledo1, born 06-15-1975
Raymond_j, born 06-15-1976
cornsomething, born 06-15-1978
Fochabarian, born 06-15-1982
bazyr, born 06-15-1983

:partytime :bday: :partytime

- The SB Team
Whoa, 3rd oldest on the board for this birthday. Imagine that. Well thanks scuba board. Wonder if the kids will remember????

Don't feel bad, I'm fourth and closing in fast!
:) closing fast? I think I'm pulling away.

Too bad you don't live close, we could through ourselves a pity party!!

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