Hamanasi trip report

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I do not normal write trip reports but I was so impressed with our trip to Belieze and Hamanasi that I thought I should. When we arrived and they took us to our tree house there was a hand written leaf which said something along the lines of welcome to Hamanasi, if there is anything we can do for you please let us know etc signed your Hamanasi family.

Being the sceptical person I am I thought good bit of marketing, I liked it it but I did not really think it was true. Well I have to say it was. If the staff could do anything for they did it, normally without being asked. Having worked in the hotel and dive industry I have to say the staff were superb, I wished I had people that good working for me and it is testimony to the mangers and owners to their training.

The trip was actually made to see a whale shark since they have been my wife's must see for many years. We did four dives to see them and saw them breifly on the final dive. The whole whale shark diving circus at Gladden split is something for another post since I do think it could well be causing a great deal of harm to the snapper spawning event but moving on...

The dive operation was very well organised and again the staff were very good. Their prediction of when and where the whale sharks would be was far better than any guide books or what I have read on line. We did not do any reef diving (Since we live in the caribbean) but I did snorkel during the surface interval at Galdden Spit and I was very impressed by the quality of the reefs and the health of them. They are certainly in much better health than most I have seen throughout the caribbean.

We spent the rest of our time at the resort doing land based things such as jungle tours, visiting Mayan ruins, zip lining, bird watching, river kayaking, etc all the tours were excellent, well organised and the staff were very knowledgeable, freindly and enthusiastic.

The number of places I would return to in the world can be counted on one hand (since we like going to new places) and I have to say that Belize and Hamanasi is now on that list.
I've read many reviews of Hamanasi but never a bad or even mediocre one. Thanks.

Any photos?

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