Hair woes

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Neither here nor there
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I have been letting my hair grow for the wedding. Now besides the fact that my mask strap (where it is attached to the mask) constantly tears out the hair near my (balding) temples it's getting in the way.

I am now the happy owner of my very own Dee Rag :D and can say that I no longer tear my hair out and it is all kept nicely behind me.

What tricks to you have to keep your hair "organized"?
I wear a really thick wetsuit hood. Oh it must be nice to be you and be diving warm water!!!! Wish I had your problems. :wink:
Not a problem for me (see attached) :D. Sorry for the hijack Lisa - the title kinda sucked me in. We need a picture of your "new" hair.
I wear a really thick wetsuit hood. Oh it must be nice to be you and be diving warm water!!!! Wish I had your problems. :wink:

As they would say on Bob Barkers (sp?) show "Come on down!!!" :D
How much longer till the wedding and will you go back to the short hair you? Is the long hair enough of a bother to make you cut it for diving?
56 more days till the wedding. :nervous: :xyxnervou

I have always had short hair, although I did try to let it grow but it never got past a certain point, so I gave up. I just thought for the wedding the hair dresser would have more and better options for me.

It bothers the heck out of me. It needs longer to dry, I have to do something with it in order to see and be presentable.....
You'll have to share some pics of the wedding and the return to Lisa haircut after :D.

... Now back to our regularly scheduled topic ...
Leesa, I've tried a "slap strap". It just slips. Really, I started french braiding my hair in the morning. It really keeps it out of the way and the mask strap stays in place. I've heard some women try a beanie. I might try that next time.

Yoda, My husband had the same hair trouble you have but he likes my "slap strap". At lease it's getting used.

Leesa, Congrats! Are you getting married on the beach?
Wow Lisa, that's coming up fast! :D

I use a "Mask Marsoop", which is, like the greatest invention since the hubcap. Or. Something. Anyway, it helps keep the tearing out of hair to a minimum. Also serves as a handy dandy case for your mask, PLUS, if you call now, it floats your mask. No more masks at the bottom of the ocean someplace next to The Duane. (Don't ask me how I know this).
I also often use a lycra hood. That's probaby as much protection as a Dee Rag. Tey look godawful goofy, but they really do the trick.
Your hair is a great length, you can do much with it. Do you want it foofy or curly or smooth for the wedding? I often use a product called "curls rock", it's a leave-in conditioner that makes your hair look salon-fresh. I did my hair with it for my wedding, and it came out looking great. It was just right for a beach wedding.

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