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Cebu, Philippines
Greeting to everybody!

Me too is hooked in diving. Just got my OW card six months ago. I am lucky to be working here in Saudi Arabia, in which marine life is simply awesome.

Ive been looking for a good place in the net to share diving related story & experience. I think this is the best site i found.

Happy diving to all.
wow working in Saudi Arabia! Doing what? Do tell tales of your diving experiences.

Welcome to one of the best places to spend your SI, the folks here are friendly (although some are a we bit unique)
Welcome to the board desertdiver. Hope you enjoy it here, it's a well ran board, with lots of helpful information for all skill levels.

Mike M
Welcome from Texas. This is a good place, I hope you'll enjoy it here. Tell us more about the diving in Saudi...most of us will never get there!
and a Warm Friendly Welcome from Arizona the All beach no ocean state

Glad to have you here

how far is your walk to the water?
Welcome from NJ!
You're right , this is a great place to share, ask and answer questions about diving.
Enjoy the board,
Hi and Welcome,

Yes, I agree with you, "this is the best site I've found"

I also agree with the others above,
Please tell us about diving in Saudi !!
Welcome aboard,

Hope to hear your stories off the deep end!!!!!!!!!:cool:
Hi desertdiver:

Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New England.
Have fun, Dive Safe ........................Arduous

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