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We live in Valparaiso, FL and dive out of Destin,
Hello from Florida's Emerald Coast (The water is actually more Tourquois than Emerald, but "Turquois Coast" doesn't exactly roll off the tongue). The Emerald Coast runs from Pensacola to Panama City, and that's where my wife and I (and kids) do most of our diving.

I am a reader and contributor to the "Undercurrent" Newsletter and "Chap" book, but I hope the experienced members of the Scubaboard will help me out with the most current information as I plan my next dive vacation (I'm thinking about the Nekton Rorqual's southern Bahamas live-aboard).

From time to time I post pictures from my dive vacations on my wife's website ( ). Look for the little dive flags to find the Great Barrier Reef and Grand Cayman pics.

I look forward to sharing information and thoughts with everyone.

Welcome to the best scuba forum on the net. Here you will find information on almost every topic, even those things you thought good divers never talked about.

I will have to go check out the pics!

So set back and think of some good questions to stump the experts or those posing as experts :wink:

Welcome to the best scuba website on the net! We love to add to the gang and we love to hear from you and look at your pictures!

So, as I am prone to say, slip off your fins, BC and mask, grab a cup of water and an energy bar, and enjoy your surface intervals with us.

Jower...The Irregular Regulator
I'm sure that your will find that most of our members are quite sane and intellegent....but they don't post much.

I hope you enjoy the board and contribute to our knowledge and fun.

Welcome from NJ.
Just relax and enjoy this place. it's unique.
Good luck,
Stone (and Candy?)

Welcome! Just got back from your website. I have to tell you the Australian diving pictures are just incredible! Now you just made another spot on my "Must dive" list for this NJ boy. :)

Again, welcome to the board!

Welcome to Scubaboard from sunny UK! - for once i am not being london was warmer than NY!

Anyway, Stone, hope you fall in love with this board as much as I have !
where weapons are mandatory on night dives to fend of the 'squitos and anyplace deep enough to get your head wet is considered a good dive!!!

Friend of mine just came from your area of the woods, got cave certified at peakcock springs. said it was beautiful there. Damn, I wish there were beautiful swamps to dive in here...
from Bangkok, Thailand. Those are fantastic pictures you've got there. I'm hopefully going to GBR next year. Really looking forward to it.

You've found the best site on the net for scuba info and fun. Anything you want to ask, ask, and anything you want to share, please do - we thrive on hearing about everyone else's experiences.

Hope to see you around often.

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