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Hi Everybody,

Greetings to all! Despite having a near death experience being drowned in the sea some years back and a nasty jellyfish sting that caused complications for a few months........I'm now a certified diver! Juz received my long-awaited c-card from my instructor two weekends ago.....

This forum is real's so interactive and everyone is giving advice to everyone, and no one seems left out. No wonder my instructor said that the diving community is tight and helpful to each another.

Besides saying a BIG hello to everyone, I'd like see if there's any divers in this forum that comes from my part of the world - Singapore.

Cheers to all :D
Welcome to the wonderful world of diving and Scuba Board. I hope you have as much fun here and in the water as most of us on the board seem to.....

There's obviously a thing about Jelly Fish today!!


Sorry, not from Singapore, Prineville, Oregon is just around the big corner though.

This place is definately a great place to learn and have fun. Watch out though, I think some of them haven't had their shots yet.

Later, Hawk.
welcome, I am not aware of anyone from Singapore, but there very well may be someone else from Singapore here, and besides, Scubaboard is growing, growing, growing. There are constantly new people spending time here, and it could be only tomorrow (or sooner:wink: ) before there are a whole bunch of Singapore divers.

Welcome from the east of the Pacific, or the West of the West.

As, a total departure from the topic of this thread, this is my first post since the new look, and I sure like the new posting page. Just click for smilies.:D
from a neigbouring diver in Thailand! You have found the best place on the internet to spend your surface interval meeting other divers from around the world, learning new stuff and sharing your own experiences.

For a start, since we have a jellyfish thread going elsewhere, let's hear about your own jellyfish encounter. I'm sure Fishkiller would be very interested to hear about it, having been stung a couple of time in the last week.

By the way, there are a couple of other divers from Singapore on the boards, they just don't post much.

Hope to see you around...

Welcome to Scubaboard. Your instructor is definitely correct!

Congratulations on getting your certification, sounds like a struggle on getting it to start with tho...sounds interesting - fancy sharing the story?

Anyway congratulations and welcome to the board!
Thanks for the warm welcomes :) You guys are real quick! Here's what happened when I was stung by the jellyfish - hope it will not bore you guys too much :p

Was snorkelling in Bintan (Indonesia) a couple of months ago. Knew there were jellyfishes around 'cuz people were hanging around in the water sports hut (managed by the hotel) waiting to be sprayed with vinegar and I could see the marks on their stomach, hands and arms, feet and legs. Still, the lure of corals and fishes were too much ....... Was stung at the ankle area in shallow waters, limped to the hut where vinegar solution was sprayed on my ankle. Red dots encircled my ankle and then white lesions appeared. Either it's psychological or something else, I felt a bit breathless at times.

I didn't do anything to it 'cuz I hoped that all will recover on its own. The rashes seemed to go away. However, 12 days later, at the same area, red patchy marks came back, followed by rashes and an itch that's so itchy that I felt like using something rough to scrap off the skin. Read from some webpage that this is also known as delayed reaction - where the "real thing" comes approx. 10 days after the sting.

Straight to the doctor I went. Doc said I had visited her too late and that the venom had travelled in my blood stream and all she could do is to prescribe some medicine for anti-itch, anti-inflammation and to "suppress the toxic". Was on medication for a month - both oral and cream. For the next three months, the rashes would reappear on and off at the ankle, mosquitoe bites that used to heal within 2 days now takes more than a week leaving scars behind, any scratch or bumps on the skin becomes reddish, itchy and takes weeks to heal. This has never happened to me before the jellyfish sting. My doc says it's due to the toxic in the blood that has travelled in my body.

Well, I guess after eating jellyfishes for so many years, now it's payback time. :D

Thanks everyone for making this forum such a nice place to be!


Oh my goodness! That sounds terrible...i guess it helps to teach us all a lesson to get checked out just in case!

I have never been fond of jellyfish, they look to strange and scary for my liking...this has just helped concrete it!!!!

Heres a thread that you might find interesting about jellyfish

Hope to see you round the board Doraemon :)
Welcome aboard. You are a true diver, you didn't let the little, pokey, itchy stinging things set you back!

I hope I never have a story like that to tell on here. Cause being a guy I know I cannot tolerate pain, or so my wife says when she quotes "why do you think women have the babies"

I used to say cause you got the short straw when God gave Adam and Eve to either have the babies or pee standing up...

Now I just say "oh it hurts, get into bed and let her baby me some"
the second largest province in the second largest country in the world; Ontario, Canada.

Home of cold water and cold beer. AN the seiest head of state since Maggie Thatcher hehehe. :bomb:

Butch :peace:

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