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Longmeadow, MA
Greetings and Salutations.

I have been reading the board for several months, but only decided to register a few days ago. I've been enjoying everyone else's postings, and thought it might be nice to have the opportunity to participate.

I am just getting back into diving after a year's hiatus. (I'm a new mom.)

I'm a strictly recreational diver, so far at least! This state of affairs may be somewhat limited, as my true identity is Mrs. Northeastwrecks.:D
Actually, Patience is my given middle name -- after my grandmother, and her grandmother, and her grandmother, ad nauseum.

It does guarantee that I'll always have some "patience", regardless of how trying the situation.

And no, thank you, I don't want doubles. Yet.:crawl:
Welcome aboard, Patience...
And congratulations on your new addition!
Howzabout a picture of the baby?
My Bride, the Lovely Young Kat, always has to see the babies :)
(me too, but I use her as my excuse)
Rick :)

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