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Reaction score
Western NC
# of dives
50 - 99
It's about time I show my face. I have been lurking here for some time. I live in the Western North Carolina. (old man on the mountain ) I just started diving this past summer. I've only done lake diving. Now it's to cold for that. Can't wait till spring.
This board or might I say all the good people on this board . Have been a lot of help. But I still have a 101 question and a lot to learn.

Hi and Welcome from Rochester NY.

It's to cold for me too. (don't have a drysuit or even a 7 mil wetsuit yet) so I'm grounded til spring or the next vacation, whichever comes first.
This is a great place for those 101 questions of yours. There are a lot of very helpful and knowledgable people here.

See you 'round the boards. :)
welcome, ive been here only a day or two and ive already had some great advice to questions. as for the cold, a dry suit will take care of that. good luck and get wet, scooter
Welcome to the board - you'll have a grand time here getting those 101 questions answered, and thinking up a few more.
Welcome to the board. Yep, the cold has put a stop to my diving for the year. Looks like I can spend more time reading the boards, and learning for the spring dive.

Mike M
and Welcome from ARIZONA, :tree: The all beach no ocean state
Welcome to the Pond! Only 101? :D Jump right in...we'll do what we can to help ya.
G'day Roger,

Welcome aboard, everybody there is talking about the cold, I am sitting here 34 deg celsius fan going aircon on (Bloody hot), but thats what you get for living in Nth Queensland Australia with the Great Barrier Reef on my doorstep. :rolleyes: Guess I will go diving tomorrow. :p but seriously Roger you have come to the right place to increase your knowledge in our wonderful sport.

fergy :wave:
I guess we should all feel a little sorry for Fergyjohn, hate to see a fellow diver roasting! Anyway, hope to start hearing those questions you have! Be warned though, some of the discussions related to the answering of questions tend to stray off the path and onto unusual tangents :D If you've been lurking you know what I mean :wink: Have fun during your extended SI with us, you'll probably find yourself addicted to the board!

Ber :bunny:

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