Graphics Missing

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Cedar Park, TX
# of dives
I just don't log dives
Is anyone else having a problem with all kinds of images and graphics missing from scubaboard? Everything from the photo gallery, to pushbutton icons and the smiles. You can't navigate to the end of a thread, I had to use the Forum tools to create a thread since the normal "post thread" (or whatever it's called ) was missing.
The edit post putton is there if I know exactly where to put the mouse. Here is what it looks like to me.
There has been an issue lately with everything loading....if you notice, the smilies in the "reply to a post" veiw don't load very quickly either.

There's something fishy going on with V-bulletin.
Yea, I have this also. My guess is that its one of the ads not loading fully (or at least horribly slow as I'm on a T3). It may also have something to do with security settings blocking some of the ad content or cookies.

I have a feeling it has to do with server load. As you probably know, http by design can only handle one file per connection, so it connects in, gets the html, processes it, and opens new connections for each of the images on the page. There are some settings you can do that allow for more extended caching in some browsers to not download the images as much, but the basic issue if I was to hazard a guess, is that with somewhere upwards of 30 or more connections per page load, and say 50 people loading a page, that's 150 connections in a short time frame. The problem is intermittant enough that I would imagine that to be the case. There are plenty of times it seems to 'stick' trying to load.. I stop and reload and it pops right up.
I dunno, maybe for some but I think mine is security settings. I get a big red security block thingie at the bottom of my browser and the errors are all for ad cookies. I don't have problems at home.

Hmm.. might be separate issues. I don't do much with security as far as browsing goes [I just run Ad-aware a lot ;)] So I know that's not the issue -i've- been seeing... but it could be something similiar or with similiar symptoms.
Hmm.. might be separate issues. I don't do much with security as far as browsing goes [I just run Ad-aware a lot ;)] So I know that's not the issue -i've- been seeing... but it could be something similiar or with similiar symptoms.

I don't think it is server load. I can tell when its going to fail by simplying doing an "About Internet Explorer" under help. If the Microsoft Internet Explorer doesn't display (leaving the box almost white -- some text) then the graphics don't display on SB BUT it will on I can exit IE and launch again and it may/will work. I d/l the latest patches ( I am on w2k) and so far so good. Also, I haven't had this problem on XP. I was sure it was something I had done until all of these posts started appearing.....

If/when it fails on you, do the HELP/About Internet Explorer and see if you have similar symptoms...

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