GoPro workflow tips - GoPro Studio

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Boston, MA USA European refugee

Just came back from Roatan - first time using my new GoPro underwater. Used in combination with Backscatter 3.1 flip filters and a SeaLife 1200 video light/tray. Now it's time to start processing. I normally use iMovie to put together a post vacation video summary. I have video footage spread across 6 different memory cards (I use 1 card per dive day to try and minimize the impact of a flood occurs)

Before I get to iMovie, I want to import all of my video footage in the most efficient way. I started doing this yesterday using the GoPro studio software. I "imported and converted" the first card successively, and see all the resulting clips in my designated output directory on my desktop Mac. I then unhooked the camera, loaded card #2 and started the same import/convert process. As I started the import process, I was getting some sort of error message saying it could not locate the files from the first card (I still had these in both the import and convert windows even though the conversion process for the card #1 clips had fully completed).

Not sure if I am supposed to remove the card #1 clips from the import window before starting this process or what is causing this.

Any tips?


If I understand you correctly, if you've already imported, converted and exported your video then you should remove it from the import window. No point in keeping videos in the import queue if your done with them not to mention the fact that the app won't be able to find them if the source has been removed (SD card).

I usually restart the app after I've exported a set of clips before I start my next set.
Actually, I imported and converted, but tried to import/convert from a 2nd card before doing any exporting. I got the impression from reading through the manual that you can edit within the studio program (cropping, white balance, etc.)...and these changes will automatically update the converted files. Exporting would only be required if sending/uploading but NOT if using the clips for programs like iMovie/Final Cut. Like most GoPro documentation, not 100% clear...

Long story short, I should probably do this one card at a time and then import the clips I want to use into iMovie before moving onto the next card. I was trying to get everything funneled through studio first to avoid having to go back and forth between be it.

Thanks for the tips
Yes, those changes made within GoPro Studio are non-destructive to the original file. I think that when you remove the memory card, GoPro Studio craps out because it can't find the source file any longer. Anyways, it would be easier to do one card at a time like you said.

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