Gopro Macro Setup That Is Not Too Fragile?

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I'm looking for a macro lens for GoPro, with whatever attachment system, that can withstand some abuse. It will spend most of the time on a D-ring, banging against a stowed light, clipped-off regulator, crammed between double-enders, etc. I'm not going to treat it well, and it shouldn't come apart underwater or crack on the third dive. It would be great if it can focus to a few inches, everything else is totally optional. Any recommendations?
Banging against hard things is not good for transparent (optical) objects.
Because of that I use a len's pouch in which I put the whole GoPRO + PolarPro SwitchBlade assembly and, up to now (50 - 60 dives), It worked as I hoped: no scratches or breaks.
The macro len of the PolarPro Switchblade II is not bad, but I think It cannot focus few inches - probably 10-12 at least, I'd never measured that.
Backscatter brand has a similar solution, but allows to choose a couple (at least) macro lens - and - should have a standard flipping 55mm dia mount that could allow you to use more powerful macro lens.
Nevertheless, the backscatter assembly is not much larger than mine - so the neoprene lens pouch can still be used as protective solution - and it will cost you less than 10 bucks.
I think you can still use the pouch if the action cam is mounted on a tray, providing the pouch has the laces to shrink it.
I just ventured into this territory yesterday, ordering my very first GoPro and a Backscatter Flip 4 Pro package with +15 Macromate Mini lens. So that includes not just the macro lens but also the filters. Like you, I plan to keep it clipped off during most of the dive.
Can any of these systems accommodate a flippable "lens cover" of some sort instead of a filter, or a filter than goes over the lens and stays there securely, and could play the role of a lens cover? I do not anticipate using filters, since I always dive with a light. Perhaps flipping the lens cover over the lens when stowed, and flipping it back for shots, would be one way to go.
I think that all that can be entangled, will be torn off the GoPro. This is true also for flippable things, being them lens or just covers ...
I almost lost my Switchblade, because the backup lamp dislodged it from the front gopro len ... thanks to the little cord, I found it hanging from the goPro sled during my safety stop...
Consider that the hinges are not too much robust and even if they were, the gopro case is hard plastic ... that's why I cover the whole assembly with a small pouch ... nothing can be dislodged and will remain secure and safe from bangs and scratches.
Action cam with filter / macro assembly is not bigger than a fist ...
Hmm, that's too bad. I'm skeptical about the pouch, just because I wouldn't know what to do with it, I wouldn't want it to dangle, I'm definitely not going to carry a tray, I'd probably have to stow it in my drysuit pockets every time I use the camera, that's too much PITA, and risk accidentally unclipping pocket contents if I have to push something in and pull it out repeatedly. It sounds like my best bet is to just go with a cheaper lens, and just accept that it will get damaged every so often. It looks like this polar pro product will go with my GoPro 4 dive housing, at $30 it seems pretty reasonable. Or might there be something more rugged out there?
Just a question: how about the display ? Don't you fear to scratch the case and potentially have problem looking at an even-too-small display ... ?
It's already scratched all over, but that's OK. When it gets so bad I can't see anything, I'll just get a new backdoor, or a new housing. I do not want to treat a camera as the central point of my entire diving universe, it mostly needs to stay out of the way, and not cause much PITA. As unburdensome as it gets, almost to the point of being disposable.
I do not want to treat a camera as the central point of my entire diving universe,

How right are you ...
I always repeat me the same thing, at the end of the dive, or even days later I just realize that I gave too much weight to the camera ...
And any time the same thing: ask to myself: "is it the case to carry it or no ?" ... "and if I meet something really worthing it?"...

So I would suggest you this minimal neoprene cover - just in case:
Let's say you'll get a PolarPro (only the macro or the complete SwitchBlade, doesn't matter).
You fix the assembly with a small rope, so, in case of dislodgling from the case, you'll not lose it.
Then, you can sew a small neoprene cover (like a very small pouch) with a bungee that will cover the assembly when clipped and left dangling when in use ...

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