Going to Costa Rica

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Lexington KY
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200 - 499
Hey all; I was hoping that someone could tell me if there are any good diving companies in Manuel Antonio Costa Rica, I will be there for a month and want to dive, I just dont know much about the place. Thanks for any help!! :D
There is one, they also dive out of Drake Bay and I dove with them there, look on line for Costa Rica diving and you will find them.
Thanks, if there is anyother info anyone has on the area and what to do there I would love some help, thanks!!
Hey AJ. We'll be happy to take you diving while you are in Quepos/MA. Check out our website at www.oceansunlimitedcr.com or via the travel section here at SB. We have been having some pretty good conditions as of late despite some afternoon rains. We go to Cano Island, Bellena park, viente ses and some other "secret" spots as well as the islands of MA park. We are the only operator in CR besides Ocotal to offer Nitrox certification and diving. We offer things like inspected tanks, quarterly tested air, new rental gear, new boats, personal safety gear for clients during dives, USCG licensed captains and PADI certified DM's and Instructors. My partners and I have backgrounds in public safety diving (police and FD instructors) and years of local knowledge in the area.

Come on over and check us out.

Thank you so much Scott and I hope to see you when I get down there
AJ-I guess there are two dive ops there, I was not familiar with Ocean sun limited.
There are lots of things to do in MA but it is a little touristy. Beach, Park, swim, surf, snorkle, dive, raft, quad ride, and just observe the beautiful coastal scenery.
Rex- is there anything there that I shouldnt miss?? Like must do things??
Hey AJ. I just got back to the states from Quepos. It's been rainy and the near shore sites have been vised out due to the rain and fairly heavy waves and tides from the full moon. The offshore sites and Cano Island are still good dive options though. Depending on when you get there, the conditions on the inshore sites may have improved. The recent storm system moving through has wrecked it for operators all over the Pacific coast for the last several days. The forecast as of yesterday, 06/09, was for improving conditions after Sunday.

Rexman probably went diving with Costa Rica Adventure Divers and he is correct, they are based in Drake Bay. They actually had no facilities in Quepos/Manuel Antonio. All rental gear and tanks came from San Jose when they had divers wishing to charter in the area. The boats used would be sportfishing boats chartered for that trip. This setup had obvious logistical problems and was hugely expensive. The boats chartered sometimes had very little knowledge of dive ops as well, not a good thing from either perspective of safety or good service to clients. I know because I tried to dive with them a few years ago before establishing our business there. BTW, we are Oceans Unlimited.

We work with CRAD now, mainly through referrals of folks wishing to dive Cano Island or in MA. We have even arranged transfers to them, at Cano, of divers wishing to spend a few days down there. We take them to Cano in the boat, they dive with us there, then we meet up with a CRAD folks at the island during lunch for the guest handoff. This is one of those times when the boat trip is much faster than going to Drake by vehicle (1 3/4 hour vs 6 hours, over some pretty nasty roads). What would have been a travel day turns in to a dive day and ends at the intended destination.

As far as must do's in MA, take your pick. The canopy tours are excellent. I took my 8 year old on one and he raved about it. They have different levels of tour depending on the guest, from mild to advanced. White water rafting is always thrilling, especially in the green season. The ATV tours in the area are also great. If you go to Manuel Antonio Park, consider doing so with one of the guides. These guys spot things us mere mortals would never see. There are about a hundred other things to do as well, boredom is not an option. One of the great things about the area is if we can't dive for some reason, there's always something to do, and we can make recommendations and tour arrangements right then.

Look us up when you get down. We are located on the road from Quepos to Manuel Antonio, next to Rios Tropicales Rafting the phone #is 777-3171.
Thanks for the info, I will be leaving the states in 18days and would love to know what the weather is going to be (I need to know how many pairs of shoes to pack :wink: ) I'm not even sure how much diving I am going to have a chance to do, I am going down there for school and I have classes’ Monday- Friday. Also does anyone know about how safe it is down there, I mean I’m a 21 year old female traveling by myself, and I was just wondering am I fine walking around town by myself at night or even the day, I haven’t heard anything negative about the place, but just would like some more opinions. Thanks for the help!!
~ AJ
Yes I would do it all and go for what appeals to you specifically. PVD pointed out a great opportunity for you-that is to get down to Corcovado park. It is a natural wonder, 20x30 miles of pure rainforest and rugged coastline, full of animals. Take his advice and do a dive at Cano island and then transfer to CRAD and stay a day or two in Drake Bay and they will take you for a hike in the park. It is one of my favorite places in the world! Not to be missed.

As far as safety the only concern would be the MA beach at night, avoid alone or at all.


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