Going back to school

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After 24 years I'm back in school. Who else went back to school and how did it go or how is it going for ya?
It wasn't quite that long for me (14 yrs.). As a matter of fact, it was a bit easier, considering I was a bit more mature and ready to tackle the challenges of school a bit more level-headed than before. I actually did a whole lot better GPA wise the second time around...Like the song "and I'll make it better than the first one..."

Good luck!!
I had a lot of "non-traditional students" (as the parlance of academia calls you old farts) in my college classes and they were an absolutely awesome addition to the classroom. Kudos and good luck!
i go back to school in another 2 weeks, but just in the regular settings.

this year is going to be really hard concearning budget.... Baltimore really f***ed up the whole budgeting, and this year the butter is being spread REALLY thin on the bread. in 1997 they realized that the state had been giving hte city money to use that it never really had, leaving a HUGE 500 Million dallar deficit. go figure. so like in 2003 a state judge rules that the state has to give so and so amnt of money to the Baltimore City Public school system, but the state has been stingy about it (so they can have more money to build the ravens yet ANOTHER effing training camp) and decided that the judge never said WHEN they had to give it. so here i am, sitting in school, and they dont have enough book sfor everybody. there is no music, no phys ed (which is a shame beacuse my school is the only school with an indoor gym, locker rooms, and a pool but no teachers....) teachers are leaving like crazy, another like ten people are added to my class- its not good. you can see i get really worked up about it. who wouldnt?!?! this is my school- my only shot at a good education. so what i did was i went down to City Hall and i started a protest. thats right, pickets and all. and you know what, more and more people joined!!!! wow!!! i started an angry mob (i like to think so.)!!! now i am the head of the Students Budget Action Society, and there are like 300 members alone. go figure. wow i love this.

- just keeping my fingers moving on the keyboard.... :lol2: ;)
I graduated with my bachelor's degree in 1987 and went back for a master's degree in 2000. I noticed I was not able to coast through my MS like I did my BS, and it was a real chore to do it on top of a job. But my grades were better (a 3.94 compared to a 3.74 GPA) despite harder cpursework due to better discipline and a better work ethic than I had as a college kid minoring in alcohol and women.

I work as a vocational rehabilitation counselor and about 1/2 my students are non-traditional students. There are usually some rust issues in math and English that can make it hard to get up to speed and may add a semester of remedial work. But once there, they tend to do very well with better work ethics and more life experience/common sense to keep them well grounded in class dicussions, research papers, etc.

Unlike most college kids, non traditional students usually know what they want and are both more focused and more motivated. Focus and motivation are just as important, if not more important, than intellectual ability in college.
im still at a local community college but there are alot of non traditional students. they make up about 30% and they do very well, last term the deans and presidents list were full of non traditional students. alot of the non traditional students are returning to school because of the dot com bust and the economy, but of the ones that i have met are very knowledgeable and helpful, and have helped me to do very good in my classes, and have taught me many study and review tips so to do better in the classes.

a good example is my mom who for 25 years worked in the corperate areana and then a couple of years ago decided to finish the degree she started before i was born and then this coming may we will both be graduating with AA's .

best piece of advice i have gotten from some non tradational students is, dont stress out as it just makes the problem worse. also dont cram as it doesnt work study alittle the night before and get a good nights sleep and get up early and finish, as a all nighter will leave your mind as sharp as a box of marbels.


It was 5 years for me, but a 4 year tour in the Marines prepared me for college. I finally graduated after 5.5 years with 2 BA's in History and International Studies. No I am not a teacher, I am a Network Engineer, go figure.

Very interesting guys, thanks for sharing. :D
Well, I have the first day behind me and to use my sons words "it was ok, I guess I'll go back tomorrow"....lol.

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