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Washington State
Hello from the Pacific Northwest. Land of the chilly waters! I have been diving for 3 years and am addicted to the sport. I am truely happy to be a member of such a positive and friendly board.
Welcome to the pond! It's most warm around here but you'll see a bit of chilly water sooner or later!

Jump in and join the fun :D
Them's chilly waters out there. Welcome to a grand place to spend your SI.
Howdy from Texas!

There are some good folks up your way, including Scubkat, Uncle Pug, and WetDane. Be sure to look for them and they'll make sure you get in all the diving you can stand.
Welcome to the board,from NJ.
As you can see, there's a large variety of good folks here, all ready to talk diving.
Good Luck,
and a WARM Water welcome from SUNNY Arizona the all beach no ocean state,

Glad that I can re introduce myself


Just so you know I am also the CO founder and VP of Marketing for CAD, the thoughts of diving in warm and comfortable locations are natural, it is when you forget that that is a option to diving you shouldn't be and then spend your time in front of your computer


The Pacific NorthWest is home to some of the Friendliest people in the world.
Hi from the atlantic northeast! Home of the downright freezing
waters hehe.
Rick L

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