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Leicester UK
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen.

Have been cruising the Forum for a short while and like the atmosphere here.

Who am I? Well, I'm a Brit, like some others here, and have been diving since the begining of the year - mostly in the seas and inland sites of the UK. I tell ya if you ever get the chance, get over here and give it a try, the diving really can be excellent.

Anyway looking forward to some good discussions with all of you.



ps. Check out www.yorkshire-divers.co.uk if you'd like to see a friendly UK site.
TimIng - so, you thought you could escape me did you? Running to this forum won't help - I am here too! Nice to have you here, good to see you made it. I wanted to be Frog, but somone else is also called that, so I plumped for royalty instead. Catch you later, dive safely. Ribbet.

Hey Frog, Must say I thought I was the first from YD to register here as I didn't see any of the familiar handles. How Naive am I?

I think Royal Frog has a nice ring to it.

Catch you later Your Highness.

Welcome to the boards! Your name appears very similar to mine. Is it the same?
I got the royal bit when I got my navel pierced in September '97 prior to going to Sharm in Egypt in January '98. The piercer told me Egyptians pierced their navels, but only royalty were allowed to do it - riff raff were not! So since then I have been jokingly called a royal frog by my boyfriend! Catch up with you later. Ribbet.

PS - Do you think there will be a YD take over on this forum?
Tim Ingersoll once bubbled...
Welcome to the boards! Your name appears very similar to mine. Is it the same?

Hi Tim, the name is close, but no cigar. No, the surname is Ingmire - I guess they both have similar roots though.

Sorry Frog - forgetting my etiquette for addressing the high and mighty. Your Majesty.

Hey Tim, have you ever spent time in the Southern US? I thought we were the only ones who said "y'all"

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