Gaz, Update on Tropical Storm Alex?

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Gaz Cooper doesn't live in Belize. I live on Ambergris Caye, and so far it's looking good. We had very heavy rain this morning, and fairly gusty winds up until maybe noon. Since then we've had a bit of rain, gentle cool winds, and cloudy skies. It looks possible that AC will excape totally, though various "experts" have the storm hitting AC between 8pm this evening and 1am tomorrow morning. Winds in San Pedro are not expected to be more than about 60mph, which is way less than the 140mph we experienced three years ago. All dive shops closed for the day and boats have been relocated to the mangrove areas "just in case". Of course, damage to boats and docks (and buildings on docks) comes from high seas, not high winds. So far we haven't had any of those either. I am one of many people who have taken no precautions whatsoever.
I have been on the island for many Storms and Hurricanes including Hurricane Mitch and Hurricane Keith and I dont envy anyone stuck in those types of storms. however most don't worry about small Storms such as Alex after going through the big ones.

I have been in constant touch with friends on the island and they tell me the storm is over now and nothing much happened.

Peter is correct in the fact that I am not on Ambergris Caye at the moment.

Just so everyone including Peter is very clear on my story. After 18 years in Belize I sold my resort a few years back, rented my home out and decided to take a long sabatical and went on a round the world diving trip, knowing I would be off the island for at least 2 years.

I ended up in Asia where I spent a Lot of time diving.

I bought, a big Cruiser and biked all round SE Asia including Malaysia, Laos, Thailand, MyanMar Singapore etc.

I was due back home in Belize last November however I had a very serious Motorcycle accident in which I was hospitalized for a month with a severly broken leg (5 major breaks) Due to the lack of Medical care in Belize I posponed my return home as I have to stay where I can get decent care for a long road of rehabilitation and possibly more operations to correct the damage.

Currently I am still stuck in Asia (which is not too bad :) and after 6 and a half months I am still having trouble walking due to the damage to my leg, I have more metal in it that the Golden Gate bridge LOL but Im slowly getting there.

I am due to head home to Belize as soon as physically able I had expected to already be gone but the damage was way more severe than I understood.

So no I am not currently in Belize I have been travelling but will return to Belize shortly and will be living there again after my holiday which by the way was the trip of a lifetime in despite the accident its was a really fantastic trip but ready to get back to work and get home.

Here a few pics of the dodgy leg

Gaz Cooper
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I have been on the island for many Storms and Hurricanes including Hurricane Mitch and Hurricane Keith and I dont envy anyone stuck in those types of storms. however most don't worry about small Storms such as Alex after going through the big ones.

I have been in constant touch with friends on the island and they tell me the storm is over now and nothing much happened.

Peter is correct in the fact that I am not on Ambergris Caye at the moment.

Just so everyone including Peter is very clear on my story. After 18 years in Belize I sold my resort a few years back, rented my home out and decided to take a long sabatical and went on a round the world diving trip, knowing I would be off the island for at least 2 years.

I ended up in Asia where I spent a Lot of time diving.

I bought, a big Cruiser and biked all round SE Asia including Malaysia, Laos, Thailand, MyanMar Singapore etc.

I was due back home in Belize last November however I had a very serious Motorcycle accident in which I was hospitalized for a month with a severly broken leg (5 major breaks) Due to the lack of Medical care in Belize I posponed my return home as I have to stay where I can get decent care for a long road of rehabilitation and possibly more operations to correct the damage.
Gaz Cooper

Hi Gaz - things have changed since you left Belize - I would not agree with your statement regarding "lack of medical care in Belize".

We have 4 orthopedic surgeons practicing in Belize at the two private hospitals and also at the public Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital. But then again everyone has to decide where he or she is more comfortable with medical care. Sorry to hear of your accident.

As I stated in a separate thread, Alex wimped out on Belize. We are physically located in Belize. The sun is peeping out in Belmopan.

Several areas lost power last night due to a few fallen power lines - our backup generator ran for a couple hours early this morning. But it appears business as usual. :)
It's raining pretty hard here in Tulum Mexico. Seas are angry, so no diving.
It's raining pretty hard here in Tulum Mexico. Seas are angry, so no diving.

Ayuh. Tropical Storm Alex located over the southern Yucatan Peninsula about 110 miles south-southeast of Campeche Mexico. Belize Doppler radar shows some scattered showers and thunderstorms over parts of Belize. Nice cool and semi sunny weather in Belmopan right now.
Hi Gaz - things have changed since you left Belize - I would not agree with your statement regarding "lack of medical care in Belize".

We have 4 orthopedic surgeons practicing in Belize at the two private hospitals and also at the public Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital. But then again everyone has to decide where he or she is more comfortable with medical care. Sorry to hear of your accident.

As I stated in a separate thread, Alex wimped out on Belize. We are physically located in Belize. The sun is peeping out in Belmopan.

Several areas lost power last night due to a few fallen power lines - our backup generator ran for a couple hours early this morning. But it appears business as usual. :)

Great t know as i will need all the metal removed at some time so will have to check these guys out when I get back and see if i'm comfortable letting them have a bash at it.

However I still read many leave Belize to get care in the US and Guatemala (Mr Williams for one) as Belize is still not up to scratch in many areas of specialized care

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We're getting geared up to head down to CC and Placencia for a week starting this Friday and noticed the forecast looks very gloomy for the next 10 days. Is the rain in the forecast normal/tropical and bearable or part of the storm?

Unfortunately we're considering delaying our trip if it's going to rain nearly all day, every day and prohibit us from diving, hiking, and sea kayaking. What are your thoughts? Any help is appreciated!
Went diving at NW Turneffe yesterday. I can say the water was still stirred up and the vis was almost 20' lower than normal. Heard the Barrier Reef was similar.

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