Galapagos Water Temp.

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If this is in the wrong forum, mod's feel free to move it. Anyways, I'm going to the Galapagos and I have a couple of questions. I chill very easily. I just got certified and we went diving off of Catalina (Off the Southern California coast) for my certification course and I became pretty cold even while wearing a 7mm Wetsuit (I think that's what it's called. A 7mm or 7 ply or somthing like that.). Well, I've heard that diving in the Galapagos is cold because of the different currents so what do you guys think I should get for an exposure suit? Ideally, I would like a dry suit but seeing as how I pretty much leave in a day (I leave 6/30/05) I doubt I would be able to as if I remember correctly you have to take a special course. So, what do you guys recommend for me? The best thing for me is obviously the warmest possible wetsuit as I chill pretty easily. So, what doyou guys recommend?

Also, please I need a response as soon as possible because I only have 1 day to buy whatever exposure suit I need. Sorry for the essay. Thank you!
Although it's now too late, you would have been a perfect candidate for a drysuit. You could have used different thermal layers depending on the dive profiles for your Galapagos trip. Oh well, there's always the next trip...
Yeah, I would have loved to be able to use a dry suit. Is their anything that will even come close to the warmth that I can achieve with a dry suit that doesn't require a special class?

Yeah, I would have loved to be able to use a dry suit. Is their anything that will even come close to the warmth that I can achieve with a dry suit that doesn't require a special class?

Henderson or Mares Sales a Semi Dry suit. I do not know much about them but check it out at, your LDS or
Becasue of your deadline, you're stuck with a 7mm. The beauty of diving dry in a thin 2mm drysuit is that at the start of your dive day, you can layer light and by the fifth dive of the day, you could pile on the thickness and still be warm.
With 7mm, you're stuck in a huge pile of rubber from the gitgo. Anyway, have fun, enjoy the dives, and take copious notes on what the rest of the group is using.
Don't try to get by with a 5mm - you're prone to cold so go thick. At least the amount of weight will be constant for you. And get a good hood!
Okay, thanks. Also, can I layer 7mm Exposure Suits? Thank you.
Don't get too carried away with thickness or you'll be waddling around the deck like the Michelin man and having to use 50 pounds of weight. A well-fitting hood, wetsuit, gloves and booties and you'll be ok. Stay hydrated and rested between dives.
Where on galapagos do you plan on diving. My family was there last winter, but I opted out of diving thinking I lacked experiece. I just read a recent artice in Rodales and the article stated that the least experienced diver in the group had 100 dives. Now, i'm not trying to be one of those who are quick to judge, I was just pointing out a fact.

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