Galapagos or Cocos?

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New York City
I am considering a trip to one of these locations for the summer of 06. From what I have read, the diving in both of these areas is spectacular. Does anyone have any preferences between these two locales or is it just a matter of take your pick because either way the diving will be fantastic?
I've been to both, twice! IMHO, the diving is better at Coco Island - warmer, better vis, more varied diving, more sharks.

Caution: both destinations are advanced dive locations, not for newbies - open ocean, currents, etc.
I have been doing my homework for our Oct 2006 trip on the Agressor to the Galapagos. What would you recommend for dive travel, we can do two trips before then (and also dive here in Rockport MA off the boat - for me only in summer, husband just keeps going) to prep for the "big trip". The main issue is current, we have cold here, and less than ideal vis.

Husband willl be fine, we've long lost count of the number of dives he has done in all conditions, but while I have a few hundred dives, most have been in the Caribbean. I am planning on going out here over the next two summers to get more accustomed to cold, etc. now that wetsuit technology has advanced to something far friendlier that a medieval torture device when I tried previously.

The restictions that we have are that the trips can't involve very long travel time or super expensive locations. I was thinking Coz for one (we have not dove there since I had a nasty nondiving trip there years ago). Would love some suggestions.


Hard to compare them really. Each is unique in its own way.

Galapagos has the added advantage of very interesting terrestrial wildlife...giant tortoises, marine iguanas, flamingos, seals, numerous species of sea birds, etc etc.

Cocos imparts a distinctly surreal quality...the remoteness is striking and being uninhabited makes it special.

Diving in either place is world-class. We saw multiple-hundreds of sharks in both locations. Galapagos provided us with a 45-ft whale shark, squadrons of eagle rays, white-tips, turtles, and PENGUINS. That's hard to beat.

Cocos had it own spectacular sightings, no whale sharks, but hundreds of hammerheads, white-tips, marbled rays. Watching white-tips mating was a high point in addition to seeing a gigantic baitball of green jacks that was being decimated by tuna, sea birds, and silky sharks.

Pick one, you won't be disappointed.
I suggest you post your question as a separate thread under the title you have given it, it is buried here. I enjoyed the Galapagos but you do need to be comfortable in current.
Has most of you, I would also love to go to the Galapagos. I'm not exactly sure why, but from Madrid, the average price for a 1week liveabaord in Galapagos with the agrssor is 3.400 euros or more...wich is alot if you compare it to other destinations.

If you are in the US or some other closer place, what´s the average price for a liveabord in the Galapagos?
Has most of you, I would also love to go to the Galapagos. I'm not exactly sure why, but from Madrid, the average price for a 1week liveabaord in Galapagos with the agrssor is 3.400 euros or more...wich is alot if you compare it to other destinations.

If you are in the US or some other closer place, what´s the average price for a liveabord in the Galapagos?

3,400 euros seems like a lot. That's about $4,400 US. The Aggressor's are about $3,000 which works out to 2,300 Euros. Also, keep an eye out for sales. I booked the a trip for this year for $1,900.

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