G5 and ikelite case, need accs.

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Got a likelite case and G5, I was wondering if anyone else uses this combo underwater. If so what strobe do you use and what filters do you use a wide angle? and where can I get filters for the likelite case, not sure what size it is tey gave me 3.5 but that doesn't make sense?

I know the ikelite ds125 will work but to much $$$ what is this pre flash thing I am hearing about on the c5050 and the G5 that makes strobes hard to get.
These questions have already been asked and answered several times.

If you'll use the search feature and look for G5, you'll find the answers to your questions. You'll likely get more information in a search because one answer leads to another question.
Did I tried to serch G5 and it tells me my serch string must be 3 charactors or more. Didn't see anything but I will try a few more searches.
I didn't realize the restriction of word length. I'll bring that up to the admins.

I broadened the search to Canon digitals and got this list of links...Click HERE.
Thanks, yea it's a pain I try to search on my camera or a g3 or g3 and can't I can't even search on "canon g5" it pics up the G5 ans errors I did a search on canon and look at your threads and found nothing about preflash and a way around it or what strobes will work with th ikelite case besides the ds125.
To the best of my knowledge, and I'm sure someone will correct me :) , there are 3 main brands of strobes designed to be used with the preflash.... Sea & Sea, Ikelite and Inon.

The Sea & Sea YS90DX can be used via a fiber optic cable or hotwired into the housing, depends on the housing you have. The others are hot wired only...I *think*. But I don't own those so I'm not sure!

We have several members using Canon G-X so maybe they'll pop in and explain!
pggeek, it depends on how you intend to use your G5s flash - TTL or Manual. TTL is when you let the camera decide how long (and hence how bright) the flash should be on to get a correct exposure.

Some digital cameras (like the G5) fires a pre-flash in TTL mode. This is a very short flash pulse fired just before the main flash. It uses the information returned by the pre-flash to determin how long it needs to fire the main flash.

If you use the G5s flash in TTL mode then you will need a 'pre-flash compatible' TTL strobe. Currently the only strobe that can do this is the Ikelite DS50 or DS125 with the TTL slave sensor. This setup will mimick your camera's TTL flash ie fire a pre-flash and fire and quench the main flash in sync with your camera's flash.

In manual flash mode you determin how long (and hence how bright) the strobe should be on to get the correct exposure. With the G5 you can disable the pre-flash in Tv, Av and M mode. So if you're shooting in manual flash mode then pre-flash compatible strobes is not the issue. How the strobe can be fired in sync with your camera and the level of output control is. With the Sea and Sea YS90DX you can use a fibre optic cable to fire the strobe in sync with your camera. It does so by using the camera's flash (sent down the fibre optic cable to the optical sensor) to 'trigger' the strobe. It has 12 output level controls to vary the intensity of the strobe. The Ikelite DS50 and DS125 with the manual slave sensor will give you 10 output level controls. To fire the strobes in sync you can either use the remote optical sensor on the manual controller by aiming it at the camera's flash or, with the G5 Ikelite housing, hardwire the manual controller to the strobe bulkhead with a sync cord.
In other words any strobe with an optical sensor or one that can be hardwired to your housing and with some degree of output level control will work in manual flash mode.

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