Senor Frogs is right beside the pier (very touristy, but convenient). Unless things have changed getting a ticket doesn't guarantee you a spot on the boat (have to stand in line). I will defer to mediumone's comment about ferry availability since I haven't heard horror stories lately about the passenger ferry (but haven't been watching for them either).
I know the car ferry is still overbooked because I have a washer/dryer that is on wrong side of the channel because car ferry was full yesterday when people I had paid to bring it here got in line. They say they got there at 11 for 12:30 car ferry (which was booked), 1:30 was full also. This could just be an excuse but pretty specific and believable. Btw, be careful ordering stuff you actually need over the internet from Liverpool (one of big stores in Mexico). I ordered a new washer/dryer in early November since old one failed. They said it would be delivered in five days, then 2 weeks, then one month, then maybe January. They would only bring it over to the island if they had enough other stuff to justify the trip. Wound up having to pay someone to pick it up and bring it across from Cancun, and even that has taken 5 days. Not happy camper--also re-learned my college view that "clean" is a relative term for clothes. Thankfully I borrow neighbors washer/dryer every now and then.
Nothing at Boxito, Elektra or Sam's Club?