Fusion Storage

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Technical Instructor
Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Boulder, CO
# of dives
1000 - 2499
I have a question about recommended storage techniques for my Fusion. I have always thought that it is best to store dry suits rolled up in a bag to minimize exposure to ozone, etc. I have friends who insist that dry suits should be stored hanging in the open. Does Whites have a recommendation?
Hey John - good question - either way is fine - but you should keep a couple of things in mind....

You are right about ozones and other contaminates in the air - sun is a big one too -minimize exposure to these.

Don't keep your zipper closed for long periods of time.

Don't fold your zipper

Don't hang the zipper so the corners of the zipper are stressed.

The suit will dry better if hung - which eliminates the stink...not that we stink or anything..:wink:

Good Luck,
I have had good luck storing suits in a bag - after they are dry.

Bending a gas tight zipper while closed is bad news, as is leaving it zipped long term, so I never bag or store mine with the zipper zipped. The Fusion is nice in that regard as you can zip the outer zipper to keep it together during storage.

In my experience, I have always been able to get about 5 years per set of seals by keeping the suit in the bag when nt in use, out of the sun, and away from oils. Washing the seals with water or soap and water after use and then coating them lighty with unscented talc helps prolong their life as well.

In the off season I step up a notch and store it in an air tight trash bag and then in the dry suit bag - but be really sure it is really dry.
I had a drysuit hanging for the summer season in a hallway a handful of years back. When I looked at the suit in fall, the latex seals had totally deteriorated. No sun there, must have been a degradation source somewhere.

Since then, folded in a trash bag, dry as noted. No hassles since.

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